Are recruiters actually human, or just robots spamming you?

Ryan Valentine

Ryan Valentine

· 1 min read

I've been in the industry for over 15 years, and the one constant I've always been able to rely on is spam from various recruiters.

This came to mind earlier today when I saw a post from a recruiter on LinkedIn telling people seeking a job that they need to not send generic messages in order to stand out from the crowd, and that it's the quickest way to show a recruiter that you haven't read the job application.

Now, I'm sure that this happens - but my biggest issue is on the other side of the equation.

Constant generic messages, including some where they state “it’s not generic”… when colleagues of mine receive the exact same email.

Or the constant emails I get from recruiters on LinkedIn for junior and graduate roles.

Or the constant emails I get from recruiters that spam my work email every other day. It's even more annoying when I tell them we don't work with external recruiters, and still continue to bombard me with emails.

I'd probably be more interesting in saving time, if they stopped wasting mine.

In the end, it comes down to one of the following.

1. Most recruiters are too lazy to actually look at who they're sending an email to.

2. They're a robot whose programming has gone rogue. This would be far more interesting at least.

Ryan Valentine

About Ryan Valentine

I am a highly experienced full stack engineer. I spent a considerable part of my career working as a freelancer and contract developer, and over 15 years later - I work as a Principal Engineer for AND Digital. I've worked in far too many sectors to list, including telecommunications, media and finance.

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